Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I love Conference! October 4, 2010

So first of all mother I have to say THANK YOU!!!! You are amazing and I love you!! Hearing Elder Holland's talk prompted me that I need to thank you more. You are the best!! I got the pics from the weekend and the preview of the Christmas card! Everyone looks healthy and happy!! Blake, Rachel, and Nick all look like they have grown a lot! Rachel and Nick are almost as tall as you!! Holy cow where does the time go eh?

What a cool Conference! I have never enjoyed one as much as this...probably because I never actually watch it intently and take good notes. But I did something really cool that I recommend to all of you next time. So before the weekend came I prayerfully wrote down questions that I had. Questions about investigators, how to work with members, and just personal questions I have in my own life. Throughout the conference, EVERY question was answered! It was sooo neat!! I feel like I have the strength and answers I need to get me through the next 6 months until next conference. My favorites were Holland about gratitude, Uchtdorf on the essentials and on pride, Christofferson on time and choices, and that British guy from the 70. I learned so much! And of course every time President Monson speaks, you cannot deny that he is a prophet of God. Holy cow he is amazing. It was a bummer that none of our investigators came to attend it :( But it really enjoyed and gained so much direction about my life and what I need to do.

So this week was pretty slow with the work. Unfortunately only 10 lessons. We usually teach about 12. It is hard because there are only about 9 members in our area, so we visit the same people every single week. But I had lots of fun and we saw another mini miracle!!

Last Sunday we fasted for a lady named Isabel Picon. (Not sure if I have mentioned her to you yet). They are Mexican and the husband, Paco, is a member, but she is not. They have a 10 yr old and 4 yr old and newborn. Her dad and brother are intense priests in Mexico. She had a baptismal date about 2 years ago but dropped it because her family would disown her if she joined our church. Well last week we found out she wasn't a member, so we fasted for her and how we can begin the teaching process again. Well we met with Paco on Thursday and heard a sweet story. Sunday night, the night we fasted for her, she woke him up in the middle of the night and asked for a hug because she was scared. Paco was like ok what's wrong? She told him that she was scared to die and to be in the presence of God. She said she feels like she needs to do something more in her life to be ready to meet Him. Ummm is that a miracle fast? We heard this story and told Paco, yeah that's a sign, she is ready for the gospel. We are stoked!! We are going to get her baptized and the 10 year old daughter!!! We have fasted for her again and really believe that this is going down ASAP!!

That was basically the highlight of the week. This week on Thursday we have our interviews with the President, which I am excited about. He just asks you if you have any questions and answers them, which is pretty chill. I will be thinking of some cool things to ask him. We haven't been in touch with Nellie and Gilberto for a week, so we are a little scared. We are hoping one of her baptist friends didn't "anti" her. Hopefully we can get back in touch this week. No other people progressing at all at this point. Slow and tough, but definitely a learning time for me.

Well thank you for everything!! I love you and all and pray for you all. I want to leave my missionary witness that I know Jesus Christ lives. He leads and guides this church and He has a living prophet placed on the earth to help us stay on the straight and narrow. The Atonement is real. I am just starting to understand how it works and how it applies to my life. Such an amazing feat that I am so grateful for. Like Nephi says, the Atonement redeems our souls from hell. Sorry for the language HA! LOVE you all!!!!

Elder Draper

Little reminder...next Monday is Canadian Thanksgiving Day booo!!!!! So I will be emailing Tuesday around 2 or 2:30 PM :(

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