Pictures from our Multicultural Event at the church
So transfer week is different. Monday was a regular work day, Tuesday (today) is pday and Wednesday is when you actually transfer. I didn't get an email from President Archibald nor did Elder Christensen, so it looks like we are here for another 6 weeks! That makes me happy, I love this area. We are baptizing this transfer for sure, that's the goal!
Alright there are pictures on the way!!! I am glad you liked your package! Just a few papers and stuff from the first quarter of my mission. My Spanish in it is NOT GOOD. It is amazing how much Spanish I learn every week. If I translated the blessing again today it would be better. It'll be cool to see my progress in Spanish when I translate it again my last month of the mission.
How did my blog get there!? Haha that is way cool! (*I (mom) googled his mission and this site came up:
so I click on it and noticed a link to THIS blog on it - I have no idea how that happened so I guess my reader base is growing!) Yeah Elder Dunlap is one of the Zone Leaders for our zone. I didn't go to that training, yes that was when I was with Davies and Brandon. Yeah the other zone leader, Elder Galloway, lost his father to cancer last month. He decided to stay like Zant. Don't know if I could do that.
I will be on the lookout for the package!!! I can't wait!!! I have not had candy in a while, so that will be a fun treat for me. No I do not think they do trunk or treat here. Sis Lopez, the primary president is going to have a little party for the kids Saturday the day before, because Halloween is on Sunday (that didn't stop me from going trick or treating). Don't worry about the CD. Any nice church music is legit. I can't wait to get it!!
Ok so I guess you guys want to hear about the missionary work huh? Well nothing too crazy exciting this week. Still no progress with Nely and Gilberto (I have been spelling her name wrong, it is with a Y). We have taught them 9 times now and still no baptismal date. Obviously they still need to learn something or I need to learn something, because the Lord has the power to tell anyone they need to be baptized right? Sometimes I wonder why He just doesn't do that haha. No joke.
The Multicultural event was sweet!!! About 300 people showed up. I will post a few pics. I shot a bunch of videos too that you will get when I send the sd card home. Lots of non members showed up so we will see if they have any interest in the gospel. If not, we will make them have interest, that is just how I roll. This message is the most important thing in the world!! But Sunday I was dog sick haha. I must have eaten something at the event that didn't sit well with my stomach. Luckily didn't barf, but felt like it. Well we did have one sweet miracle so I will explain it the best I can. It is a long story...
So we do something called 7 day challenges with the members (I don't remember if I have explained this). We basically teach a lesson to a member family and then tell them we want them to find someone and have them in their home within 7 days so we can teach them. So we extended this challenge to the Lopez family, probably my favorite family in the ward. He is the ward mission leader and a stud. They told us it is hard because they don't know any people outside of the church, blah blah blah. We promised them if they prayed and really had a desire to help someone, the Lord would put someone in their path. So the NEXT DAY, the miracle happened! Bro. Lopez didn't have much to do at work, so he decided to come home early around noon, which he says he never does. So he came home and decided randomly to work on his car, so he was doing that in the driveway. All of a sudden this lady walking by asked him if he was a mechanic. He said no. They started talking and it turned out she is Spanish, from Venezuela. Bro. Lopez's wife is from Venezuela, so he went into the house and brought her out to meet this lady. Turns out, this lady is married to a Mexican...that is exactly how the Lopez family is! Venezuelan wife and Mexican husband. They have 3 kids and just moved here from Montreal LAST WEEK!! Is that putting someone in your path or what!? So this family obviously is prepared, and we are going to meet them this week and start teaching them! What a neat miracle! I know that if you really have a desire to share the gospel with someone, the Lord will put someone in your path. He won't deny you that if you have faith.
So that was the highlight of the week. The seeds are being planted, now it is time to do the harvesting!! You guys are the ones helping me and giving me the support I need!! Can you believe only 2 months till you get to call!!! I am so excited and it is going to come super fast!!
Have a great week everyone! Thank you for the emails and prayers and support. I love you all!!!!
Elder Draper
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