Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Miracle March


Another week and birthday in the books here in the mission field. Yes, I am sorry I am not taking as many pictures I will try my best though...transfers next week so I think that might solve the problem haha. President Archibald is probably the exact opposite of that mission president. He is the most bold, straightforward person I have met. Definitely not soft spoken. He wouldn't just tell members to have nonmembers in their home often, but to invite them over to your home to meet with the missionaries and hear the gospel, within 7 days. Or else you are depriving them of the chance to accept our reject the gospel. He doesn't mess around which is good because that is what motivates all of us!

Ok random coming home question: My buddy here Elder Madsen from San Diego (he actually just got made the new AP!) got a letter from BYU basically re-accepting him to school this fall, have I gotten that yet? It has got me a little worried. Maybe someone can check with admissions or something. But anyways...Well everybody sounds happy and healthy, which is great to hear! I am still stumbling over the fact that Rachel and Nick are going out to dances together and stuff, insane! I'm glad my siblings are much more social than I was at that age so they can pick up my slack but that's not an issue anymore obviously. Good job with your talk Nick and dad! Way to represent!

We are going to the temple this Saturday! Rocky had his interview last night and is now an official temple recommend holder! I am freaking out I'm so happy for him. He has zero time to run to the distribution center and pick up his garments, so I am going to do that when we go to the office to pick up mail. Apparently he gave a talk in church yesterday sharing his conversion story. He said that Elder Draper was very nice and outgoing, but Elder Nielsen was very serious and shy. Then he's like "but don't let that fool you, it's just that Elder Nielsen didn't understand what I was saying" haha I thought that was funny. He asked me to be his "escort" so I am totally stoked for the trip this Saturday! I probably should take advantage of my missionary discount and buy all new garments this week too. It's time to get all new pairs to take home, so a good amount of money on my card would be the best birthday present ever :)

Yesterday a lady named Nidia from Nicaragua got baptized in the ward up north and I was privileged to do the interview. Those are some of my favorite moments as a missionary, such a strong spirit present. Estefania is slowly breaking down and letting go of her fears. The only thing she is not willing to do is set a baptismal date, nothing else is an issue for her. There is still some family opposition happening, and now the family she is living with is getting a little frustrated with her, so that is not good. We have developed a super solid teaching relationship though and she now trusts us a lot, so that is a good step. We will see what happens. There was a Mexican family that got baptized a couple weeks ago here in the branch, Miguel and Luz Baca, and they just moved to our area this morning. That's why I was a little late emailing because we helped them with the move. Their 11 year old daughter Heidi did not get baptized with her parents, probably just a little scared. She is now our highest potential investigator, and really should be baptised either this weekend or the next. Her dad will be receiving the priesthood and he really wants to baptize her.

Hmmm something new to share...well as a mission we have set a goal to bring salvation to 100 people this month through the ordinance of baptism! Miracle March starts this week! The Spanish zone needs to baptize just 5 people to do our share. It is going to be a miracle filled month! I am grateful for these last few months of trial after trial after trial. It has been hard not seeing any outward results. Baptizing is absolutely central to our purpose; that is the only reason we have missionaries. But when that becomes your motivation, that is where the problem is. The Lord has taught me to fulfill my propose of trying to bring salvation to His children because I love them and desire it for them, not just to get a baptism. I have really internalized my purpose these past few months, and it has helped me find joy without seeing "fruits". So yes, I am grateful for the opposition and bitter I have experienced, because now I am in a state to be able to enjoy the sweet. That's about it for this week! Transfers next week, we'll see what happens! I love you all and miss you!!! Have an amazing week!!

Elder Draper

P.S. Would you be able to send me my 4 generation pedigree chart? The mission needs it. You can also email it to me if that's easier. Thanks for everything mom!

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