Monday, March 19, 2012

10 more emails to go

In front of Ranchman's Restaurant the bar where they filmed the movie Cool Runnings - also known as the party headquarters for the Calgary Stampede

Happy St. Patty's Day back to y'all!!

Just when you think the good stuff is going to happen, the opposition sets in....big time!! But it's alright, I have gotten used to it ha. I emailed this to President so I just attached it here:

We taught Estefania yesterday and had maybe the most spiritually edifying lesson I have been a part of it. Basically, we asked her to pray at the end of the lesson, and she prayed to Jesus and was not specific about baptism, so we had her do it again. She prayed correctly and asked so specifically, and I felt the Spirit very strongly. Normally, when we do a Spirit recognition with her, she says she feels "normal", probably avoiding her true feelings, but this time she actually expressed a spiritual experience she had during the prayer. She felt like the Spirit filled her and actually moved her to a different location in the room, but when she opened her eyes, she was still in the same place. We asked her what that meant and she said she did not know. Well, she knew what that meant, and we testified boldly that that was an answer from God. She denied it as an answer for baptism, even though she specifically asked about that. She said she has felt that way before asking about other things. Well there is not much more we can do there, she got her answer and openly denied it. Very, very sad, but Elder Brandon and I walked out knowing we accomplished our purpose, and the Spirit bore witness of it. The Lord taught me a great deal through teaching her, and my testimony was strengthened. We will see what happens.

So we dropped her :( But, there is nothing else we can do with her. Opposition with Heidi as well. Her mother still feels like she is not ready to be baptized. Luz still wants to get to know the church before she gives permission. But, we are again doing everything in our control to speed that up. We asked the Relief Society president to visit them Tuesday, branch missionary couple to visit them Wednesday, and elder's quorum president Friday. Huge blessing, so hopefully Luz will give us that permission this week! Miguel got the Aaronic priesthood yesterday so he is pumped and supportive of Heidi getting baptized. They are just the coolest family though, I gotta come back next year whenever they get sealed. Victor is progressing very well. He is so innocent for a 19 year old, sometimes I feel like I am teaching somebody much younger. We are meeting with him tomorrow and are going to help him see that he already has a testimony of the gospel and needs to take that step of faith in being baptized. But other than that, we found a couple of new FAMILIES to teach. Super sweet finding miracles. The Spirit is essential in this work, actually the only thing you need to see the miracles. Hopefully new solid investigators on the way this week. I interviewed a 14 year old for baptism on Saturday (I interviewed his mom 3 weeks earlier), and he was totally ready, but yesterday woke up feeling bad apparently and not ready, so it got cancelled. Probably just scared or nervous, but hopefully it happens soon...

Rachel you looked great at Mormal!!! (I want to use a better adjective than "great", but that might sound weird coming from your brother haha). Looks like you had a great time dancing and being with your group of friends.

Thanks for sharing that experience mom. I too have gained a testimony of inspirations like that and other profound types of revelations from God. The gift of the Holy Ghost is probably the greatest blessing we have on Earth...somebody to comfort, guide, protect, teach. Pretty incredible, and taken advantage of many times by us.

Well that is all the time I have this week, kinda crazy I will only be sending 10 more emails! I love you all and hope you have a great week. Man, so excited for the next mission call in our family. Good luck Blake! :)

Elder Draper

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