Sunday, September 5, 2010

August 22, 2010

Pictures of the missionary pad

What's up everyone!? Don't worry I am not jealous that you are in Hawaii!! Haha my turn is in 2 summers!! So this week was pretty much the same haha, that's missionary work I guess. NO progress on investigators. Cesar and Angelica cancelled on us and wasn't at church, so that was a bummer. We have not been able to get in contact with them. But we have picked up another couple!! They are old Salvadorians, Nellie and Gilberto. Gilberto has Parkinson's which is sad, it was funny though he fell asleep like 5 times during the lesson. But it was neat we taught the restoration and had a great discussion. They are Baptist I think but believe in basically every Mormon doctrine too. Baptism by immersion, gift of the holy ghost, etc. However the kicker is living prophets and El Libro de Mormon. They believe the bible is sufficient and that she could have written something like the Book of Mormon. Yeah I don't think so Nellie haha! But they are very open and we are happy and excited to work with them. Return appt on Thursday. Then we have one other couple Yohana and her husband who we don't know yet. We haven't had a "cita" (appointment) yet so we are still working on that. She definitely wants to hear from us, but they are just busy working and things. It is hard to work with Spanish people because they all work like 24/7 so it is way tough to set things up. Everything falls through but that is just life as a missionary. We will continue to work and preserver, the Lord is testing the whole mission with that right now.

We have been able to reactivate some less actives, so that is way cool. There are about 5 people who haven't been to church in a while but have been coming every since I got here. It is way cool to see. Another thing with Spanish people is they get offended way easily. So there a ton of people who just don't go to church because of another member. Reminds me of Elder Bednar's talk about that.

Funny story mom!!! Sorry you missed Sister Archibald's call. Dang that is pretty cool she called you straight up!! Yes I am healthy and happy. Wow Elder Zant is already headed out huh? He sounds like a great missionary. No we don't hear "eh" too much because I'm with Spanish people only. Ok it looks like I answered all of your questions...

My testimony is growing stronger and stronger every day. I absolutely love the scriptures now. I just can't see myself ever missing a day of scripture study for the rest of my life. I feel the Spirit way too strong while I'm ready them, I want that feeling all the time! My work ethic is really on fire too. I want to be working all the time, kind of unlike my life before the mission haha. Those are the two biggest changes I have seen in myself so far. And of course serving others. There is so many ways we can serve, not just missionary work. We mow the lawn of this really old lady weekly, and you just feel good doing it. Plus I'm learning how to mow a lawn dad! (you can fire the gardeners when I get home) But other than that I am having so much fun.

I miss you all a lot, but Heavenly Father is helping me with that. That is really the only tough part about my mission after 3 months, just being away from the family. But there is refuge in the work. That is what keeps my mind focused on helping these people come unto Christ.

I hope you have a fantastic week in Hawaii! You are all in my prayers and I love you so much! See ya!!

Elder Draper

Thanks Dad! I wish I was in Hawaii enjoying that, man haha. It is starting to get cold here, 50s I guess in Fahrenheit. Yeah I heard about Utah but wow now BYU is moving! That will be so weird for me when I get back haha. Yeah I am adjusting well so far, but it still just hasn't set in that I am on a mission. Like this week we took one of the priests out with us, and it just made me think that I was going out with the missionaries what feels like last week. Now I am taking priests out, so weird. I guess it won't even set in until I actually come home. Eating basically chicken and beans with the members. I have had more beans the last month than my whole life!! I have had tons of central and south American dishes, it's kind of scary going to a dinner appt and knowing you might be eating something crazy. Yeah we do all our work with the members. There are 6 missionaries that serve in our ward though, because there is only 1 Spanish ward and 1 Spanish branch. (The other 6 serve in the branch). So really we only get to work with 1/3 of the members of the ward that live in our area so. Just us two in our apartment. Zone conference is this Tuesday. Well we speak English around the apartment and with other missionaries, but all of our appts and church is in Spanish. There are a lot of members that speak English too, mostly the younger ones, so we speak English to them too. Thanks for all the updates. Time to start the family email!

Take care Dad and enjoy the sun I love you

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