Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday February 7, 2011

These pictures arrived in my inbox at 5:00 pm today nearly 6 hours after his email arrived. Funny how long it takes these large files to cross the cold Canadian border and make their way to sunny southern California. A little late but worth the wait!

Two big thumbs up for a baptism today!

Juan Carlos and Elder D!

Ryan's companion Elder Nielson performed the confirmation

The District - not sure all the missionaries names but I'll ask him to name them all next Monday

The group with Brother Lopez the ward mission leader

First picture is their best Rocky Balboa impression...then a Kodak moment smile

YEAH BLAKE!!! Congrats on Idaho man! Yeah I saw that Tyler Haws Mormon Message last week, that was super cool. He is a workaholic and luckily I am starting to develop that same fire here. Send anything that fits in the package! Kobe 6's are looking so fly! Just sayin. I don't have any requests in particular though but thanks!

SO yeah Juan Carlos Montiel Sanchez is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!!! Can you believe that we first taught him 13 days ago and he is already a member and is going to be receiving the Aaronic Priesthood soon? What a miracle I have witnessed the last 2 weeks. I am just so grateful for all of these amazing experiences I am having, moments I will never forget. When I was at BYU last year I took this Living Prophets class and everyone was returned missionaries basically except me. They would raise their hand and be like "Well I remember I had this sweet experience in the jungle of Brazil on my mission..." Now I have stories like that. So exciting! Juan Carlos asked me to perform the ordinance of baptism, which was a sweet experience. You remember his finger almost was chopped off in a work accident? So I bought a white trash bag and white duct tape and put it over his arm so it would not get wet. We get in the freezing cold water (the font heater is awful in our stake center I guess) and I do everything right for once haha. Name and prayer just fine, but when I dunk him, he sticks the bad arm up in the air so we had to do it over again. Second time went perfect, and I had to push him down all the way to the floor so his arm would get under, because he could not bend it very well he tells me after. Then Elder Nielsen gave him the gift of the Holy Ghost. Such a neat day for me, and President and Sister Archibald were there to see it!

Juan Carlos (Rocky Balboa) is the man! He is such a great example to me of trying to become better, being honest and straight up real, and trying to follow Jesus Christ. Seriously, all 4 people I have helped be baptized are better people than me. Better Christians and better everything. Yes I am teaching them the gospel and the logistics about the church, but all these people are teaching ME how to live the gospel. I have it all in my head just fine, even in another language, but what I need to work on is actually living what I teach. These people are such great examples to me, they have gone through so much in their lives and are still hanging in there. My life has been pretty basic and without problems, and I still have my doubts and complaints etc. I am so grateful for this mission and everything I have learned. They say that the first year of the mission you are just a sponge and absorb everything, then in year 2 you go out and apply everything and baptize the heck out of the people in your area haha. I have learned my weaknesses the last casi 9 months, and now it's time to make them strengths, with the help of the Atonement :)

Well how is that for an epiphany? Haha just to make it clear I am not a vile sinner. Just trying to be humble and honest I guess. I love you all so much and I really pray for you individually. I saw the movie The Best Two Years before my mission and laughed at the fact the he prays for like 30 minutes, but now I am here and almost doing that! Have a great week!!

Elder Draper

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