Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tuesday May 17, 2011

A Canadian for 2 years but always an American at heart
What?! Who could not love those handsome boys in suits and ties?!
The future's so bright he's gotta wear shadesAlma and her daughters are moving back to Mexico this month while her husband stays in Canada to work. They have been so good to Elder Draper and I'll always be so grateful for them.
One of the tee's from his birthday package - the mania is still spreading
Elder Draper's favorite Mexican meal tacos al pastor
He'll stand on his head for more tacos:)

Hello!! Thanks for liking my videos and for not judging my Spanish haha. I really have been blessed with the gift of tongues and have seen the promise from my patriarchal blessing about that be fulfilled.

So yes transfers today and I am leaving the West Area and heading to what is called the Central Area. It covers downtown, and basically everything south of the Bow River down to a street called Anderson...so another huge area! The Lord has asked that I serve as the District Leader of the District south of the river, and that is a great blessing. I look forward to serving the other elders and helping them become better. I know that I will grow the most as I serve in this assignment. My comp is Elder Brandon from Northern California, I think around Clovis, I forget the city name. So yeah I am super nervous and ask that you pray that I can feel relaxed and and calm haha. I know the Lord will make it so that I can take care of business, but of course I have a million things going on in my head.

Alma moves back to Mexico on the 28th of May. Nely is doing great! She has come to church just twice since her baptism (the cold weather and her husband Gilberto have kept her home) but now she should be coming more often. She still has a testimony and is slowlyyyyy learning more about the gospel. That's what happens after so much time in the baptist church.

I have never seen more opposition in my life! This transfer with Elder Galloway has been amazing though. We have seen soooooo many miracles and have picked up soooo many new people to teach, but no fruits. Satan is working so hard on the investigators. Natalio's baptism date dropped because he has been acting sketchy lately (moved back in with his girlfriend and has a wife in Mexico). Lourdes won't accept a date because her husband won't let her even read the scriptures or pray. There are so many people who should have accepted baptismal dates, but Satan has a hold on their hearts, it is pretty sad. But we are working harder than ever, and that is why we are seeing the opposition. Satan won't work on people who aren't doing the right things because he already has them. But I know that the blessings and good things are right around the corner, I can feel it. I have learned a lot about opposition this transfer. The key is to go harder and trust that the Lord has everything under control, which is exactly what I am going to do. The 5th principle of the gospel, enduring, is definitely the hardest. That is one of the biggest lessons I have learned over the last year, and I feel like I'm almost there!

But that is all I can think of for now. Thank you all for your love and support! Have a great week!!!!

Love, Elder Draper

Hey Blake! Yeah the phone call was fun! You sound so much more mature which is awesome, you are totally ready for the next year of your life! Yeah I am bummed about the Lakers but we'll see what happens this summer I guess. Congrats on the DTG award! I'd say that is a perfect prep to serve a mission and receive the priesthood and go through the temple, nice work! Yes yes yes I want to hear about your experience (Patriarchal Blessing) next Sunday! It will be one of the most spiritual days of your life so be ready! Yeah fasting is a great idea, and I would just suggest pray a lot this week specifically about it. Ask that your mind can be opened and that you can understand what is being said. I think the coolest part about the experience, at least for me, was the power I felt as I was receiving it. Like I could really feel the blessing coming directly from Heavenly Father through Patriarch Evans, it is hard to explain. I will be praying that you will be spiritually prepared for it. That is about all I got haha. You are already ready, so just enjoy the experience. I love you Blake and I miss ya, keep up all the great things. The more time you put into preparing for your mission and all these other things, the more power and authority you will have as you go out and preach repentance to the people of Chile! (Yes that is my guess of where you will go :)) Have a great week and good luck!!

Elder Draper

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