Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Special email I received from Ryan's old companion and AP

Elder Draper and Elder Galloway AKA Kitrick Galloway (post mission) posing together when Ryan first arrived in Calgary a year ago
I appreciated your e-mail! It is so great to hear how the mission is doing! I have to tell you that I consider the opportunity that I had to serve with your son a great privilege. We only served together for 6 weeks, but during those 6 weeks he taught me SO MUCH about SO MANY things! He is a natural leader and a spiritual giant, and he is doing amazing things up there in Calgary. We saw a lot of very special, sacred miracles when we were serving together, and although we ourselves didn't baptize anybody that transfer, it's really special to see the fruits of our labors months later. Thank you so much for sending me that e-mail! I hope you know how much of an incredible missionary Elder Draper is, and how much I look up to him! He helped me so much--I don't think there's any way he could possibly know how many of the things that he did helped me to have the strength to keep on going, but he really was and is a source of strength for so many people! Thanks for sending out a prepared, worthy, and faith-filled missionary to touch the lives of so many people. I stand among those people that have been positively influenced by him, and I'll always be grateful for that. He did so much more good for me than I could have possibly done for him! Take care, and please do stay in touch! If it wouldn't be too much of a bother, I would love to receive his e-mails!
And one more thing: I promised your son that I would send him a document that he wants to add in to his copy of Preach My Gospel--I attached it for him. Could you please forward that on to him? Thanks!
Con Amor,
- Kitrick (I'm still used to calling myself Elder Galloway, so that's still pretty weird) :)

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