Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Monday July 25, 2011 - 14 months out!

Saturday ward picnic in the park

What's up fam!?

So yeah I will get this painful news over with haha. On Tuesday night right after going to bed at 10:30 we get a call from Patricia. She says that she got called to go up to Edmonton for week, so she cancelled her baptismal interview which would have been the next day (Wednesday) and her baptism which would have been Friday! What is with Satan!? So her baptism fell through 2 days before. She doesn't know when she will be back, but it should be soon. She is ready to be baptized. I couldn't sleep that night and was just super bummed out, and all three of us prayed hard for a sweet miracle the next day to cheer us up. Well during dinner the next day we get a call from a set of English elders and they found a Spanish person for us! They knocked into a man named Ricardo from Nicaragua. So we run over there after dinner and meet him...he is so prepared for the gospel! We taught him the first and he loved it all. His sister is a member back in Nicaragua. He came to the ward on Sunday and the members champed it up in fellowshipping him. We have a family night with him and another member family tonight and he would accept baptism for the 7th of August. We are pumped.

On Saturday we had the branch picnic as well. It was at the same park that it was last year. I can't believe that was one whole year ago!!!!! One of the branch members invited a coworker named Juan from Argentina. We met him and he lives up in the NW (which just happens to be part of our area right now) and he is interested in learning about the gospel (appt. on Tuesday). So we were blessed with 2 new investigators this week! Patricia should be back this week and if she does we will get her baptized, and then also there is a part member family in our area. The wife is Canadian and is less active and her husband is Mexican...and a non member! We have a dinner with them and from what the wife was telling us, he is finally ready to accept the gospel and she has a strong desire to come back to church so their young children can grow up in the gospel. Our faith is still super high and we expect to see some results in this week. We are working hard and having so much fun doing this. It is crazy how fast I became one of the older ones in the zone (when Rudd leaves in 2 weeks, Elder Davies and I are the next to go!) I feel like I have ton of experience now as a missionary and I am able to capitalize on that. The last couple months have been the best of my mission and I have really zero complaints. Tomorrow is my one year anniversary living in Canada! It does not feel real and it probably never will haha.

Today we are going mini golfing! That should be fun, plus it is super cheap, only 10 bucks. Then going to play ball. Weather has been amazing here, which means my farmer tan is super bad!

Haha Elder Galloway is awesome wow. Yeah for sure he can get the emails! Tell him I say hi and we are all curious as to what happened with his girlfriend haha!

Life is great and I am grateful for the opportunity to be a missionary, once in a lifetime experience! I love you all and hope you have a great week!

Love, Ryan

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