Sunday, July 11, 2010

7th Letter MTC

Sorry to keep you waiting!!! This morning was a little different. Cool pictures from your trip!! Everyone looks healthy and happy!! Thank you SO MUCH for the package! You guys seriously hooked me up with goods!!! Tons of yummy treats so thank you a ton. This morning my district of 6 elders got assigned to help with the Provo Temple renovation. So you know those huge windows that go around the temple? Yeah we went up onto that roof and cleaned all of the windows along the outside! It was so, so hot I was dying. But all those times cleaning our windows at home actually helped me with this haha! Nothing too exciting this week. Last Saturday President Smith allowed all of the missionaries to see the fireworks! So yes I got to watch them and got to hear the end of Carrie Underwood haha. It was a nice treat.
Our zone got a new district of 12 elders on Wednesday. So Elder Davies and I taught them last night for an hour and a half about planning and relationship with your companion. Branch President Shelly said we did the best job he has seen Zone Leaders teaching new missionaries so that was cool. Then after we gave them a tour of the MTC. Other than that that is about it. The speaker Tuesday was some guy emeritus quorum of the seventy. It was a really good talk about the physical evidence we have of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. This weeks lesson was so awesome! Strongest spirit I have felt during a lesson so far. Lesson 1 all in spanish. This week I was able to memorize The First Vision in Spanish, so when that point came up during the lesson, I was able to recite it by memory which was the most spiritual part of the lesson. It is funny I honestly do not have it memorized in English even! So I better get going on that.
We met en elder who is from Southern Alberta (there are a ton here). He said that during the summer there are 1000's of migrant workers who come up from Mexico to work the farms. He said a ton of them get baptized, then after summer go back to Mexico. So we are thinking that most of the Spanish we speak will be in the summers, which is only 1 and half basically. Dad I ran into Elder Simmons, Rowan's buddy. He said he kept seeing my name tag and wondered if I was related to you, so he finally came up to me. He brought a few DBH shirts so he will be reppin' you. Blake that was a funny story about all those awful coaches haha. Rachel and Mom you two are studs!!!! That is so great you were able to do that!!!! Rachel you better not visit the MTC field next week and say hi to your favorite brother ;) (*Rachel is going to attend EFY in Provo and threatened to breach MTC security*)
We are so ready to get into the field. I should get my travel itinerary next weekend! I was going to ask you and see if you can look on SLC airport for the 27th and see when my flight possibly could be to Calgary. Let me know! One thing I could use is an alarm clock with like temperature on it too. Preferably in Celsius. That would be nice so I could know the temp outside before we head out the door. As far as bedding I have no clue mom. I guess you could call the mission home and ask them what the procedure is. Also, I need to get my license extended I think. Is there any way you could do that while I am here? Let me know.
Every week I have an interview with my teachers, and we just talk about your progress and things like that. They said that I am learning and picking up on Spanish lightening quick, the fastest in the class. They said I look bored in class sometimes but I don't mean too. They said I have an on/off switch with Spanish haha. They challenged me to speak it 24/7, because I probably could. I have been blessed with Spanish so much! Because of that I am able to study the scriptures and doctrine more during my studies, which I desperately need. I have learned a ton in the scriptures. I will be done with D&C tomorrow and will now read the New Testament, which will be awesome.
Anyways I think that is about it. I am healthy, happy, and pumped to get in the field!!! I love you all and hope you have an amazing week!! I love the dear elders!!! Keep em coming!!!
Elder Draper

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