Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Monday August 1, 2011

The Calgary Temple and views of downtown Calgary

Hello Family!

I am doing great! Today should be some great weather…holy cow I have heard what has been happening in the US the last 2 days with the budget crisis and how if nothing happened by Tuesday the world economy would have collapsed…maybe the Canadians went overboard explaining it to us haha. I am going to save the last 10 minutes of email time for tomorrow so I can send you pictures. Today is Heritage Day and the libraries are all closed so we are at a members house emailing and can’t upload pictures. I love Canada but man some days I really miss the good old U.S.A.!

Really, really great week! We have not been in touch with Patricia...we are a little bit scared because we ran into her fellow shippers at Wal-Mart last week. Basically they said we taught a false doctrine and Patricia was confused about it and so this couple got offended and left the Spanish branch. They are super sketchy but we will see. There’s a lot more to the story unfortunately but I don't have time, 10 months you'll know what happened.

So Ricardo from Nicaragua is getting baptized on the 14th of August! He is a superstar and is almost as cool as Rocky haha! Juan from Argentina is progressing as well. He came to church and really likes what we do. He is looking to join a church and is willing to follow the will of God so it is just a matter of time before he accepts a date. We are teaching a few other people that aren't making too much noise yet.

Lately the Lord has poured out a ton of revelation to me during personal studies and other parts of the day. I don't know if it's because I am seeking it more or if I need more at this time in the mission. Pretty interesting realization though. Amazing that I could have been receiving revelation since I was 8 but have not understood it well enough to receive it. What a neat thing that we can be taught by the Spirit and literally have thoughts and feelings put into our minds and hearts. The Lord has definitely blessed me throughout my entire mission. I’ll be honest, it is hard being away and everything but number one, it will all be there after and number 2, why else do we have the Atonement if you are not going to rely upon it and use it! If you really ask Him to comfort you and support you, He does it. That is one thing I am sure about because I have had to do it. It’s so overwhelming what you learn, how much you grow and totally recognize the blessings you receive while on a mission.

Yeah transfers are next week so p-day is Tuesday. Elder Rudd is from Garland, UT which is right at the border with Idaho. He is tripping out about going home haha so we are trying to help him out a little. This Thursday we will find out who is training the 4 new missionaries that come next Tuesday. I am pretty sure I will get to train again, which would be great.

Hopefully the SD card gets there soon! Well I will definitely be praying for you during the trek! Well I better take off and email President, but I love you all and pray that you have a great week!

Love Elder Draper

What's up nick!? Dad told me about Vegas and how you killed it! Hopefully you can find a more competitive team and show them how to do work. Wow I did not hear about Klay! That is crazy that somebody I played with in high school is playing in the NBA! Too bad we are still in lockout for the NBA! Well thanks for writing Nick! I heard you are an awesome home teacher so keep it up!!! Love ya!

Thanks for the email Rachel! My week was awesome! I don't feel like I'm getting taller...you are doing that! Advice for the permit test? Not really haha. I think you can miss like 8 questions and that is how many I missed so I lucked out. Yeah I never had that experience of the trek but I am glad you get to! I am sure you will grow spiritually during it. I am pumped to hear how it goes for you! Thanks for your kinds words and support Rachel. You will never know how much that helps me being away from you all :) I love you and miss you! Have a great week!

Hey! Could you send Kitrick a note saying that the Sri Lankin man that we met (his wife already got baptized) is getting baptized this weekend by Rocky!! Rocky gave him a Book of Mormon and he decided to get baptized! Thanks :)

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