Monday, June 7, 2010

First Letter MTC

Hola Family!! Ok I just sent a letter in the mail can disregard it haha. My Pdays are on Fridays, however not yesterday because it was our first week and had a special schedule. We have like a half pday today which I didnt know about so I get to email! Normally I will email on Fridays.

Well I am absolutely loving the MTC! I have already had so many awesome experiences. Yes the first day started very funny when i got to my room and realized I was missing a whole bag of clothes!! I got it and everything was fine. The first night our fire alarm battery died so it chirped every minute FOR THE WHOLE NIGHT! I got barely any sleep but I lived. Also, my comp did not even show up until 8 pm the first night! And it's funny because he lives 20 min away from here. As I said in the letter you will get his name is Elder Davies. He is going to Calgary with me speaking Spanish. And mom you were right he got a little packet from the mission home up there with some info. I'll see if I can email you some of that info next week. The other companionship in my room is headed to Guatamala. They leave here in 3 weeks then head to the MTC down there, so Elder Davies and I will have a rooom to ourselves. I have taken a few pics so far and I will get those to you asap. I can actually print pictures off my camera for super cheap at the bookstore so i might do that. I had to buy a couple of short sleeve white shirts because it is pretty warm in the classroooms. On the second day of class we learned how to pray in spanish! I am not very good at it yet though haha. I had to get 2 shots also the second day. So this Wednesday my comp and I will give our first lesson in preach my gospel to someone who will come to the MTC as a volunteer investigator! We are required to teach a missionary lesson once a week. The first few weeks we give those discussions in English, but after that it has to be in Spanish! I can definitely feel the gift of tounges working for me. I have learned more Spanish these first few days than the whole 3 years I took it!! It has not really set in that I will be gone for 2 years haha. Still feels like college or something. Also it is incredible to see the elders that are a couple weeks ahead of me. It really seems like their knowledge is light years ahead of me so I know I am going to learn and grow so much the next couple weeks. Met my branch prez...he seems like a very nice guy. I got made senior comp which I am very humbled about. We have to plan EVERYTHING which is a total new and foreign thing to me.

It is the absolute coolest and most amazing thing to look in the mirror every morning and see that nametag on my pocket. I have come to know of my purpose as a missionary.."To invite other to come unto Christ". I know of my responsibility and I am going to work so hard at strengthening my testimony of the pricinciples I will be teaching investigators so that I can convey the message to them throught the Spirit. I cannot wait to teach! I wish I had more opportunities to do so before my mission.

Anyways I wanna hear how Palm Springs was! What else are you guys doing this week? All of your letters so far have been awesome! Nick you crack me up thanks for your funny letter :) I love all of you guys so much! I am having the time of my life and I am excited to share it with all of you! Have an awesome week and I'll hear from you soon! Pictures to come soon!
Elder Draper

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