Monday, June 7, 2010

Second Letter MTC

Hello my wonderful family and friends!!

How is everyone doing?? Lakers win is what I wanna hear!!! Send me an article about the game through dear elder if you don't mind :) Well yes I have received all of your packages and goodies! Your guy's letters everyday is really keeping me motivated and so happy!! Thank you so much! I have enough candy to last the next two years :)

My district has 8 elders and 4 sisters. We are all going to different places: Guatemala, Colorado, El Salvador, and Calagary. All speaking Spanish too. Our district leader is Elder Amidon from Florida. He joined the church at age 16 and has a really neat story. Yes Elder Davies and I are getting along great! He is such a funny guy..always keeping my spirits up during the day. He is definitely here for the right reasons, I feel very lucky to have a companion who actually wants to be a great missionary. I am sending about 60 pics on my SD card today so you guys can check out what's going down at the MTC :) Sundays are so long haha. We study all morning till priesthood at 10. Then study more until Sacrament at 3. In Sacrament, there are two randomly assigned missionaries who give a talk in Spanish, which we must all prepare for every week, since you won't know when you'll get called on. Then a member of the Branch Presidency speaks in English. Then we study the rest of the afternoon and attend a fireside at 7. After the fireside we have the option to watch one of 4 movies at different locations at the MTC. Last Sunday I watched the Joseph Smith movie, definitely my favorite church movie. So here is a typical day: Wake up at 6:30 and prepare. We study from 7-7:30, then breakfast. Then we will usually have our comp study and language study, each an hour. Then a couple hours of class, then lunch. We usually have gym after lunch, and it is the best!! I can still dunk (haha) so we get to play whatever we want. I usually ball it up for 30 min and then lift for 30 min. They have the weight machines and stuff which I am loving. I am up to 160 pounds now consistently! I am definitely feeling stronger not only spiritually but physically as well. After gym we will have class until dinner at 5, then even more classes till 9. So about 8-10 hours of class each day, just a little longer than school I guess.

The Tuesday Devotional we heard from Elder Foster of the Second Qourum of the Seventy. He was a great speaker and shared a scripture that really hit me. D&C 98:1-3. It says every single prayer we give is literally recorded in heaven and Heavenly Father promises us that every prayer will be answered.

So yes every Pday morning (like today) we go to the temple as a zone. Our session started at 7 AM so we had to get up at 5:30!!! But of course I would wake up at anytime to go to the temple :)

I just wanted to share a little spiritual experience too. On Wednesday Elder Davies and I got to give our first official lesson at the TRC. You go there once a week and work on door contacting in Spanish, teaching a lesson, etc. The tasks we have change every week. Wed. we had to "meet" an investigator at the park and introduce our selves and give a brief message and testify in spanish. That was fun. Then we invited them to hear more, and we gave the first lesson in PMG in English. It went so so well. Our "investigator" was a missionary at the mtc who has been here for 12 weeks. He said that was the best first lesson he heard from first time missionaries! Elder Davies and I were stoked to hear that! And we knew we had the Lord to thank for that one, as we were able to teach by the Spirit and convey the message of the restoration to him :)

Anyways I have one bit of exciting news...I do not need a Visa for Canada!!! I will be able to freely get into the country without waiting, so I won't have to go to San Jose for nine months right dad ;)

Well I hope this email is ok for you all. I will get the hang of it soon I guess :) I love you all so much, and please keep writing me!! Have a great week family and keep me in the loop with everything you guys do!!
With much love,
Elder Draper

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