Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Monday November 1, 2010

Mother Nature has delivered winter to Calgary

Hellllllo Draper family!!

My week was pretty much the same and my Halloween was amazing! Yes yesterday afternoon I half slept and half wrote letters. It was a really relaxing day. Ok all of your costumes are awesome!! That looked like such a fun party. I knew all along that Lindi could play the part of a black woman haha. She is straight up G!! Loved your outfits mom and dad. I leave on a mission on you get all crazy and hip haha I love it! No last year was legit too with Octomom. I dressed up as a missionary this year, yeah I know pretty original. Actually at church the 6 missionaries in the ward all switched name tags, that was the best costume we could think of without breaking rules! So I guess I was technically Elder Davies for Halloween.

Man 160 days huh? It does not feel like it at all. I used to count the days but then time goes slower. I can't even believe 1/4 is right around the corner. Elder Christensen is leaving in less than 2 months and could have his travel plans any day now. The mission just flies by, so I gotta do work! Yeah transfers will be December 1. I am praying that I stay here for Christmas. The members in this area are known as the best and I have come to love all of them.

Advice for your lesson mom: What motivates me? Hmm tough question. The mission is different than real life. My motivation sometimes is just reading past letters and looking at pictures of family. You guys are kind of my motivation! One thing I learned from my mission prep teacher is to make a list of "pick me up" scriptures. There are a bunch of scriptures that can give you the extra energy and umph that you need. I have made a list of scriptures from the BOM, D&C and New Testament and I pick a random one and read it everyday. I am reading the old testament cover to cover right now and finding scriptures there too so in a few months I will have a list from all the scriptures. That is one idea. Most of the time if you don't stay optimistic, you have rough days and rough weeks. The mission is such a roller coaster of emotions and feelings, I am sure dad knows what I am talking about. I think it is harder too being in a place that is pretty modern and like the US. Lots of technology things that can distract . So I hope that helped with what you were asking...

I don't have any pictures of me today, sorry! I would feel weird just taking a random picture of myself every week just to send home haha. Trust me, if there is a worthy picture, I snap it. Unfortunately Kristina got sick and we didn't meet with her this week. Appointments falling through has been the story of my mission. But she will no doubt get baptized asap. We received a referral on Saturday from the English elders. A Spanish family just moved into their ward last week (We don't know why they don't go to the Spanish ward, maybe they don't know) and there is a family that are not members living with them! We talked on the phone and they seem like they are looking for religion, so we'll see! There is a lady we just picked up who sounds SUPER interested. She is a referral too, named Mayra. We talked on the phone and set up an appt for tomorrow. She told us she is wanting to join a church but her husband has zero interest, but is going to let her make her decision. She seems ready for us! I will let you know how that goes. Nely and Gilberto are still slowly progressing. It was her birthday this week so we made her stuff. They are old and stubborn but we love them and are working hard with them.

That's about all I got this week!!! Go Lakers!! I love you all and hope you have a nice week!


Elder Draper

Blake, Everything is going great here man! Thanks for writing! Trust me, you don't wish there was snow. You will discover that next winter at the Y haha! Thanks for the Laker update! Ugh man I am so pumped for this season! I am feeling a triple repeat. Yep it is high school basketball season. I miss that so much. The basketball you play on a mission does not give you adrenaline moments like playing in a high school basketball game. Enjoy it! Play hard!! That's all the advice I can give. Thanks for the music update too. Sounds like some sweet stuff!! Hah I am no pro at missionary work yet. There is so much to improve on. Those Mini MTC's are super awesome though. I assume you are staying overnight at someones house? My advice is to just try to be a missionary there. No texting or anything haha. Go to bed by 10:30, wake up at 6:30, and have your personal and comp study. When I went I had a comp who was on his phone and we didn't really do what we were supposed to. You will really get to be in the life of a real missionary. Try it! You will be blessed but also have an awesome time! It will be so weird to get to stay up late and sleep in when I am home. Adjustments for sure. Well that is about it. Thanks Blake I really appreciate your support and everything. You are in my prayers. Have a good week and stay classy! DO it for Kareem! Love you, Elder Draper

Nick thank you for the purple letter - Go Lakers!! Good work on the field buddy!! It looks like you will have a tough decision to make in high school: Basketball or soccer? They are at the same season so you will have to choose, but you are ballin' in both! I will be home before you start high school so I can help you with the decision. You know what I already decided, please play basketball! Ok I'll call you Mr. Clutch, but you gotta call me Mr. Bryant! Haha listen to that song for me today and have a fun safe week! Love you, Elder Draper

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