Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Elder Draper > 6 Months - November 30, 2010

First a picture of something cold and kinda funny...

Now a picture of something warm and super yummy...

Hello! It is so crazy that I am in the 2nd quarter! I like the way you put that mom haha. Today is actually not a Pday for us because we are going to the temple on Saturday, so that takes the place of our Pday this week. Which means I have not seen the zone leaders so I have no clue about if I have gotten any packages or letters this week. Tomorrow at transfers I will know. Keep me updated on those DVD's I had shipped home. Yes Elder Galloway was made the new AP, the first time a Spanish Elder has gotten that call. So what happened is that there is a native Spanish speaker from Mexico that is in this mission speaking English. President Archibald switched him over to Spanish so we are even at 12 elders again. My new area is the Spanish West Area. So I will cover the Calgary West Stake. It is everything above the Bow River, and everything west of a street named Shagannappi (along that big hill in the city). I will be with Elder Jeff Walker from Orange County, Florida. Super awesome guy! He has about 7 months left in his 2 years.

So this week was the most amazing week ever!!! I will just get right down to it. It all went down on Thanksgiving day! So that morning we had an appt with a new lady named Mayra Wals, from Mexico. We taught her the restoration, and extended a baptismal invitation for the 12th of December, and she accepted! We were so shocked and stoked we had no idea what to do! Especially me because this is the first time for me. (Side note: We came back the next day to teach her, and she told us that that night she read from the BoM and had all of these bad feelings, closed the book, prayed and felt better. She also talked to her husband about her baptismal date and he flipped out and basically said no I won't support this. So in this second lesson we helped her understand that Satan will work hard on you, because he knows this is the true church. So we left with everything cool, she kept her date, and said she would pray that her husband's heart would be softened. But she called us that night and said she doesn't want us over anymore, she still has evil feelings while reading the BoM (a lie haha) and she is done. Such a heart breaker for me, but her husband has issues. One day he will come around and they will be baptized.)

Ok so back to Thanksgiving day. Later that day we had another appointment with a another new investigator, Manuel and Marisol Moreno from Mexico. They are in their 20's, and she is 9 months pregnant (due date on the 18th). We taught them the restoration for the first time, and they accepted a baptismal date for the 12th of December! They are so prepared! That is why I am kind of bummed I am headed out of the area. But it is okay because I will definitely be at their baptism! We are going to teach them today and I will ask them if they would like me to participate in any way in their baptism: baptize one of them, be in the confirmation circle, etc. I know baptisms are not the measure of success in the mission, but man do they pump you up and make you so stoked! I feel so special to be a part of their life-changing decision and it is a couple I will never forget! So they came to church on Sunday and are reading the BoM and just loving every minute. What a tremendous blessing to be a part of. It reminds me of the Mormon Message on Youtube by Elder Holland: Good things will come. (*I have added that to the Youtube messages below on the right - by Mom)

It was hard not to see baptisms for the first 6 months of my mission, but I knew it would come. I am so grateful for that. Even though I will not be in the Moreno's area I will keep you updated on their progress, because they will always feel like my investigators and future converts! We are just worried about her pregnancy haha. She needs to have the baby this week so she can recover or after the baptism.

Thanksgiving dinner was really good! Sister Lopez fed us turkey and mashed potatoes and green beans...totally American! I could not have asked for a better Thanksgiving day (besides spending it with all of you) :) My mission has been so rewarding these first 6 months. Thank you all for your love and support and prayers!!! Just know I am returning it all back to you! Have a great week :)

Elder Draper

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