Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday March 7, 2011

Introducing little Megan Fraire! We were at the Friare house when Sister Friare went into labor and we gave her a quick blessing before leaving for the hospital. She is super tiny and it was so exciting to kind of be a part of it!

Who is that man in black?! This is my companion's Morphsuit. He's convinced me I need one too. Imagine going to a dance with that on! (Funny, Ryan has no idea that we have heard of them and that Morphsuits are so popular here in California. We had lot's of the youth wear them to our Halloween and New Years Eve dances. I don't remember seeing that on the "what to pack" list for his mission so his companion must have had a different packing list! Reminds me of Blue Man Group...)

Haha no worries about last weeks email, I got two from you today! Yes I got your box a few weeks ago!! Thank you so much!!! I forgot to take a pic with the shirt but I will for sure do that this week I promise.

So basically I just had sinus infection and sore throat but I am 100% again thanks to your prayers! We didn't get a cita with Lourdes this week because someone in her family had a baby so she was busy with that. The baptismal date will be set this week for sure. I know for a fact we will set it because she is soooo prepared and ready. Looks like she will try to divorce her husband pretty soon.

Elder Walker is a great comp and makes the mission so much fun! We will take some pics this week for sure since you asked. Nothing my companions do really get to me and I just roll with it all. You learn a lot about yourself and how you deal with people while on the mission.

So Rocky went to the temple on Saturday for baptisms and had the time of his life!! He couldn't stop talking about it to us. That night we went over to his house and he skyped his family in Mexico to tell them and we got to talk to them too! I never thought I would get to go on skype on my mission, and now it has happened twice. He also got his first calling on Sunday: Auxiliary Secretary of the Elder's quorum! He is excited to serve and is such a better member of the church than me.

The big news was that Alma Fraire had her baby girl Megan on Friday at 12:25 AM! We were at their house Thursday night when her water broke and contractions started, oh man it was the most intense moment of my life! My heart was going crazy with excitement and it's not even my family hahaha. We gave her a quick blessing, and they rushed to the hospital, and 3 hours later Megan was born. Pretty crazy experience but super exciting as well. The plan of salvation is genius and the coolest thing ever isn't it!? Just can't see how you can't believe in God with all these amazing things that happen here on Earth. But anyways I gotta take off and work on my jumper. Para que sepan, I hit 90/100 free throws last p-day, so I am actually becoming a better shooter as well haha.

Thank you for everything Mom you are the best!! We will be on the phone in only 2 months if you can believe that!!

Love you all, thanks for everything, and I'll see you next week!

Elder Draper

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