Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Monday February 28, 2011 - 9 months

It was fun to celebrate my 9th birthday this weekend! (9 month mark) I've looked back on my mission and just love how much I have learned about myself and how much my testimony of this church has grown. I can't believe Conference is already almost here...that was seriously the fastest 6 months ever! So jealous that you are all going up for it again, let me know how it goes.

Well we got some exciting news in our email from the mission today...on March 12th Elder Todd D. Christofferson of the Twelve is coming to our mission!!!!! Woooohoooo!!! I am so excited to meet him and hear what he has to say, he is one of my favorites! Last March Elder Bednar came, so I guess March is the big month of this mission. That still doesn't top getting a private meeting with Elder Cook like dad did.

This week was pretty awesome. Elder Walker and I are getting along great and having too much fun with missionary work. He is from St. George and he actually came on his mission straight out of high school, we both graduated in 09. We started teaching Lourdes from Peru. I taught her one time in December, but she left for Peru because her dad died, and so she is back and ready for the gospel! She is the one whose husband is American and basically atheist, luckily we aren't teaching him too. She has come to church the past 2 weeks and even attended the baptism last night. She said she felt something she never has before and cried basically the whole time. I had to speak while the 3 people that were baptized changed, and I invited her to be baptized right over the pulpit! Also I had to speak in sacrament about missionary work which was so nerve racking! But everything went fine. I am probably more comfortable giving a talk in Spanish than in English now. I can still speak English just fine, but when you start talking about anything gospel related, I prefer Spanish.

Another cool thing that happened is that Juan Carlos got the priesthood yesterday. That was so great to see and he is set for the temple on Saturday! (baptisms) We are not going to go until June, so I won't be able to be there with him for his first time. Also before I forget I was going to ask if you have my priesthood line of authority? That would be cool to have. I would research it here but I have zero time.

That is about it I think. We should have a baptismal date set with Lourdes by next Monday emails, so get ready for that! I love all of you so much and miss you but the Lord is watching out for you! Have a great week and see you next week!

Elder Draper

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